How to Know if My Gutter System Needs Upgrading

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Having trouble with your gutter system? It might be time for an upgrade!

Take a closer look at these common gutter issues to see if upgrading your gutter system is the right choice. 

Visible Damage and Wear

One of the most prevalent concerns with gutters is visible damage, such as dents and scratches. These issues might seem cosmetic at first, but they can significantly impact the functioning of your gutter system.

If you notice a hole in your gutter, it’s probably time to consider an upgrade. Even a slight crack warrants a professional inspection.

Frequent Clogs

Any gutter system can experience clogs now and then. But if your system seems to be clogging more frequently, an upgrade could be the solution. 

Modern gutter systems have guards or screens built in to help combat stuck twigs and leaves. Older systems may not have these features. Taking advantage of the latest in gutter design is essential, as fewer clogs mean less water damage and other potential problems for your home.

Protect Your Home With Chesapeake Property Services

Are you struggling with a subpar gutter system? Contact Chesapeake Property Services today at (410) 661-4235 to learn more about our services and book an appointment with one of our gutter specialists!