Preparing Your Air Ducts for Winter: A Seasonal Maintenance Guide

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Are you getting your home ready for winter weather? Hopefully, that includes your air ducts! Here’s a maintenance guide to ensure your air ducts make it through the coldest time of year.

Schedule a Professional Inspection

Until you’ve had a qualified technician look into your air ducts, it’s hard to say what kind of attention they need. HVAC experts can find leaks and blockages that would hinder your system’s performance and leave you out in the cold. 

Instead of waiting around for something to go wrong, be proactive! It could save you a lot of money on repairs (and energy bills) during one of the most expensive times of the year.

Replace Your Filters

Dirt and dust will also lead to lower air quality, so don’t skimp on this easy and fast HVAC maintenance task! Check and replace your filter every one to three months to ensure healthy air quality and keep your heating system working its best. 

Test Your Heating System

Don’t assume your heating system will work perfectly the first time you use it. Try turning it on before it gets too cold and letting it run for a while. What do you notice? If you hear strange noises or if your system can’t get to the right temperature, it’s wise to call a professional to diagnose and fix the issue.

Get and Stay Winter-Ready Every Year

If you’re worried about your air ducts performing their best this winter, the simplest solution is to call in experts who know what to do. Call Chesapeake Property Services at (410) 661-4235 to book a maintenance appointment with an HVAC technician.